Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chapter 20 Drum People

Chapter 20 Drum People

Jacob's POV at 18 years old

Leah has gotten really fat recently and her bumpies have gotten real big as well and as for us, when things got to good something always went wrong.

I was on the beach one day digging for shells. I heard a faint drum so I stopped what I was doing. I was hoping to hear it more clearly but I didn't hear anything so I just shook my headed and refocused.

I heard it again this time a little more clear and voices as well. It made me look up and around to see if anyone was around me. I became concerned about Leah so I ran back to the hut to see if she was still there. She wasn't so I grabbed a shirt and decided to put it on while I walked around to find her and also to find where the noises were coming from.
I called out to Leah.

"Leah! Leah, where are you?"

I started to panic because I couldn't find her.

I went through a forest, trying to find either Leah or the voices that I heard. The voices stopped or so I thought at the time. I crossed a stream andthe voices start again, and keep going through the forest. By the time I finally reached the voices, it was nighttime. The moon was full and high, and the stars shone brightly. I finally realized I was at the stone head that Leah called God.

I hid behind some bushes so no one could see me until I figured out what was happening.

There is a fire, and a group of people dancing around the fire chanting in a strange language. There is a loud cry and another man is pulled out of a cave. He was painted white. He acts like he is trying to fight with them He is brought around the fire to the stone head and laid at the altar. A wooden brace is put on the painted man's neck and a different man with a club stands over the painted man. The chanting stops when the man with the club, who has elaborate decorative paint on his face, pauses, then clubs the man who is painted white once on the head.
That was enough for me and I ran out with all of my strength. I noticed while running that a mist was overtaking the island.

Once again thanks to my beta Jess, Mist who created my wonderful banner and those who have read and reviewed. Also I don't own Twilight, it belongs to Stephenie and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole

Chapter 19 Pregnant

Chapter 19 Pregnant
Leah's POV at 18 years old.
After several weeks of Jacob and I showing our love for one another, unexpected changes started to occur and it all happened to me.

One day, I was crawling on the undergrowth of the island and popping berries into my mouth when all of a sudden I felt something block my path. I looked up and saw Jacob. I gave him a big and cheerful smile to show how happy I was to see him and also for him to let me carry on my business of finding more berries to eat.

Later that night, I was standing in the lower level of our hut eating coconut when Jacob came up from behind me and started to kiss my neck. He realized I kept on eating and not kissing him back. He grabbed the bowl and said to me,

"Will you stop eating, you're getting fat! Come on up, keep me warm."

Yes, it was true I was always eating and I noticed my once flat stomach was getting rounder but I couldn't stop eating.

I merely nodded my head since I had my mouth full with coconut As soon as Jacob ascended up the ladder, I reached for the bowl of coconut and proceeded to eat again but much faster this time so he wouldn't know what was taking me so long.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than Jacob because my stomach felt funny. I thought it was due to all my eating lately but I was wrong. I felt sick so I rushed over on the side of the hut and threw up the contents of my stomach into the ocean.

That night, I was up on the high level of the hut combing my hair threw my fingers when I heard Jacob climbing the ladder and sitting beside me. He put his arm around me and started to kiss me. I shrugged him away and he pulled his arm away from me. He then found a twig and started to examine it.

I felt sorry for hurting him so I apologized.

"I'm sorry Jacob."

"You didn't want to all day yesterday, either. What's a-matter, Lee, don't you love me anymore?"

The thing was I did love him. In fact, I loved him with all of my heart and soul. I knew I had to reassure him.

"Yes, I love you more than ever, Jacob."

"Then why don't you want to do it?"

I wished I could have explained it to him but I couldn't because I didn't know what was happening to me but I did tell him the truth.

"It just hurts right now, that's all. When it stops hurting we'll do it."

"When is that gonna be? I don't understand, Leah. Why does it hurt?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything."

I was getting so frustrated because I couldn't put into words what was happening to me especially since I didn't know myself.

I scooted back and leaned against the wall of the hut to support my back. I did want to share something with Jacob.

"But if you touch my tummy right now, you can feel it."

"Feel what?"

Jacob scooted over and sat next to me. I then placed his hand with mine and we put it on my tummy.
Within seconds, my tummy started to move. Jacob had a shocked expression on his face.

"How'd you make your tummy move like that?"

"I'm not doing it."

"It's not doing it by itself."

"Yes it is."

Another movement in my tummy made Jacob question,

"There, I felt it again. What's making it do that, Leah?"

"I don't know."

Within months, my body changed dramatically. My bumpies and belly were getting bigger by the day and I still kept eating more and more.

Author's Note: I wanted to apologize to all those who have read and reviewed this story. I realize I haven't updated since July (yikes!) but a lot has happened since then. My brother, his girlfriend and my nephew have all moved back from Michigan back here in Illinois so life has been pretty chaotic especially when you have a 16 month old in the house to keep you on your toes LOL. I want to thank my beta Jessi for her ever patience in me, Mist who created my beautiful banner and also to those who have read and review those. I do appreciate it guys and gals :)
Once again I do not own Twilight cause that belongs to Stephenie Meyer and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chapter 18 Kiss Me

Finally the chapter you all have been long anxious for has arrived. I want to thank the following people: Jess my ever patient beta, Mist who creates my beautiful banners, those who read and review my chapters, and my friends Michelle and Teri who helped me crank out the lemons because it was really tough for me to write it out. Also reminder I do not own Leah or Jacob, they belong to Stephenie Meyer and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole. Now on with the chapter! LOL

Chapter 18 Kiss Me
Leah’s POV at 18 years old
After Jacob and I went swimming, we decided to head back to the statue.  The sun was drying off our naked skin and we were sharing a mango enjoying a quiet moment between the two of us until Jacob broke the silence by saying,
“Kiss Me.”
“You’re all sticky!” I told Jacob. I was referring to the fact that he just ate the mango so sloppily by having some of its juices all over his lips and chin.
Of course that didn’t matter to him so he responded with,
“So what? Kiss me.”
I smiled at his silliness but yet I still went over and kissed him. I tried to pull back when he held my head to his.
I told him, “Stop, I can’t breathe.”
“But I don’t wanna stop.” Jacob responded back.
I then leaned back against some grass and Jacob grabbed the mango and squeezed its remaining juice onto my face and neck. 
I squealed out a little because of the juice hitting my body and asked him, “What are you doing?!”
I began to giggle when Jacob decided to kiss off the juices that were on my face and neck. I couldn't help but giggle nervously. I may have told him to stop, but I wasn't sure I wanted him to
Jacob pulled back a little after kissing all the juices off. He still had a giddy smile on his face but he had a confused expression on his face while watching me intensely.
“My stomach feels funny and my heart is beating really fast.” Jacob commented.
My stomach felt like it was doing somersaults and my heart felt like it was pulsating out of my skin.
“Me too.” I told Jacob.
I felt like something was pulling me to Jacob. We ended up kissing again. The only difference this time was a feeling that overcame us was unlike anything we had experienced before and we never wanted to stop.
In between the kisses, I hugged him while gently cascading my hands down along his back.
He was gently stroking my hair while leaving my lips momentarily so he could kiss my neck.  I felt like I was floating when he did that.
I was feeling all tingly when I felt his hands exploring every crook and curve of my body while his mouth was doing its own exploring alongside my neck and mouth.  I realized that the tingle was flowing all the way through part of my body that Jacob never paid attention to until now.  I felt Jacob’s body weight brush against me. I was a bit leery when my skin came into contact with a part of him that was throbbing with pain but he hadn’t screamed out.  I rubbed myself along him and he was doing the same in return to me.
 I was gasping between each breath for what we were doing. It felt wonderful, spontaneous and exciting all in one motion. I didn’t want to stop and I knew Jacob was feeling the same.
Our bodies seemed to be rushing towards something breathtaking, something almost scary like we were bad for doing what we were doing but yet had no problem doing it. My inner self was telling me to go faster just to see how far I could go. The only way I can describe it is if Jacob and I were having a swimming contest to see who would outdo the other. 
I could could only compare the experience as thrilling and exciting like cliff diving . It started off slow, like the climb up the rocks of the cliff. At the top, I took a running start until it felt like I was falling in thin air. Then suddenly, before I knew it, a giant wave overcame me.
A loud sigh brought me back down to earth when Jacob let out a ragged moan as his response.
Before I knew it the sudden rush was over, I was looking up while out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jacob was sitting next to me and looking into my eyes.  I didn’t know what to do so I started to smile and giggle. Jacob also started to laugh and we became one again.
I placed gentle kisses down his chest and traced his lips with my finger.
He gently stroked my hair and rubbed my arm affectionately.
In between swimming, eating, and sleeping we had found another way to keep ourselves occupied.
One day we decided to go swimming after our time together.  We came across two turtles. One was on the other turtle’s back and I thought it was like Jacob and I if we were animals.
We swam far out and came across a cave.  Jacob decided to climb up the rocks of the cave to the very top and jump down into the water below where I was waiting for him.
Later that afternoon I was sleeping peacefully in a makeshift hammock.  I felt a light caress from my toes all way to one of my bumpies. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jacob looking down at me with amazement and wonder. 
we kept glancing at each other and smiling as if we were sharing a secret just between us.
The following day we came across a small waterfall in one of our swimming escapades.  I sat behind Jacob and wrapped my legs around his chest and we slid down it like it was a slide.
We ended up in a tide pool of water where Jacob and I kissed each other for what swimmed like hours. We swam to an even bigger waterfall when we managed to break apart from one another.
I was acting like I was showering myself with the stream of water over me.  I couldn't decide if it was the temperature of the water hitting my body in certain places or the intense look Jacob was giving me.
I felt as if they were tiny icicles prickling my body and smiled at the feeling of Jacob watching me.
Jacob treaded in the water to get closer to me. He led me underneath the waterfall to a cove. He lied down and placed me on his lap while I gently helped put his head on the ground.  I let my body shifted over his and then the swimming like motions we felt the day before took over. The only difference was that when the sudden rush was over, I was the one who sprawled over his body.

That afternoon Jacob was sunning himself on the shore and I was swimming in a pool of water.  I decided I had enough. When I got to the shallow side, I walked over to him through the water to tell him how I was feeling,
“I’m so happy, I love you.”
Jacob gave me a back massage to express his feelings back although I know he had no problems saying I love you back.  With every caress his hand touched my body, I felt like I was flying. It was firm yet gentle at the same time.
I in return helped wash the sand off his back. When we viewed each other face to face, Jacob gently touched and placed light kisses on my face.
Later that night, I wore a full length gown with sleeves while Jacob wore pants and an open red vest. We were dancing to the music box and gazing intently at each other’s eyes.
When we slept that night, Jacob held me so tightly and securely. I held his hands with my own hands with that same emotion. It showed that nothing could ever separate us, that we were officially one.
The next morning I was on the shore smiling at Jacob who was out in the water.  Two dolphins showed up alongside either side of him. The dolphins and Jacob had the same start in the beginning of the swimming race. With their fins and the fact they lived in the water, the dolphins beat Jacob by a good mile away.
Jacob lost but he laughed it off while the old Jacob would have done nothing to prove that he was the best at everything. I couldn’t help but laugh along with him.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Chapter 17 Take Me to God

Chapter  17 Take Me to God

Jacob’s POV at 18 years old

I was very conflicted on what to do. I wanted to help Leah but I remembered Charlie telling us not to go to the other side of the island because of the law.

The law didn’t stop Leah from going to the other side so I figured if it didn’t stop her, it shouldn’t stop me.

I gently picked her up from her bed and started to walk to the other side.

I walked through the forest, over a stream, and then finally through a forked tree. The entire time I was walking and carrying her I was hoping that she would wake up during our excursion but she never did.

The next thing I knew I came across the valley of God that Leah told me about.

I was dumbfounded when I saw how big it was. I always got the impression that Leah was exaggerating when she was talking about it. Then I realized I didn’t really listen to her and just dismissed the conversation.

I gently placed her on the base of the statue and laid her out so God could see her in front of him.

I looked up reverently  and I couldn’t be brave anymore so with my tears in my eyes, I said

“God... God please don’t make Leah never wake up. I didn’t mean it when I said I wanted her dead and buried. I forgot most of my prayers God, but... our father, who art in heaven... Kingdom come... with liberty and justice for all. Amen.”

After several hours of waiting to see if she would wake up on her own, I decided to sponge off Leah’s bare chest with the shirt that I was wearing that I had submerged in water to see if I could break her fever.

I had been going at it for an hour until something told me to look over my shoulder. When I had, I noticed that she was starting to wake up.  She was looking at me with her soft brown eyes.

My eyes grew all big and I guess it scared her because the expression on her face was starting to change from drowsiness to concern so to reassure her I asked,

Leah? Leah, are you alright?

 Jacob.  She said softly.

 “Oh, Leah, I’ve been so worried!”

“You mean, you’re not mad at me anymore?” 

Oh, of course not.” “All I could think of was, what if I lost my Lee Lee?” “ What would I do? What would I do?”

She smiled at me when I let that confession out.

After I told her that, I was feeling overwhelmed so I laid my head on her chest and just started to cry because she was awake and I wouldn’t be alone anymore.

She comforted me by running her fingers through my hair and it reassured me that everything would be okay.

After I was done crying and got myself together, I decided to go look for some food for Leah.

I noticed a smaller island across the way from us.

I gathered some bananas, coconut and mango and brought it back over to Leah. I handed her the food and walked behind her to give her a shoulder massage while she was eating.

“Here’s some food to help you get your strength back.” “Do you see that island out there?”  I referred to the island I had seen a while ago.

 “Yes.” Leah replied

“Well I’ve been thinking, maybe the person who makes the drum noise lives there, and they come here to pray.” I proposed.

 “Maybe.” Leah answered in an unsure tone.

Leah ate a few pieces of the fruit.  I figured I would ask, “Would you like to try to walk?”

She nodded her head so I walked over to her, put her arm around my shoulder and securely pulled her into my side.

We started slow since she was limping still. Gradually she was walking better and before I knew it, her strength came back and she was walking without my help.

With her renewed strength, I asked her

“Do you want to go swimming and see how far you can push yourself?”

“Yes I do.” She replied back.

We started  slow by the surface and gradually, we swam deeper and deeper.

When we came up to the surface of the water, we were happy and giggling with one another. It was almost like we were kids again. Little did I know that would all change.
Thanks again to Mist for the banner and Jess to my beta. Also I can't forget those who have read and reviewed. It means a lot to me. What do you all think about Jacob's POV on this chapter? The next chapter is the one you all are looking forward to and I am going to my hardest to make it great. Also I can't forget to add that Jacob and Leah belong to Stephenie Meyer while The Blue Lagoon belongs Henry De Vere Stacpoole.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chapter 16 Poisoned

Chapter 16 Poisoned
Leah’s POV at 18 years old
After I visited God, I decided it was time to bathe myself. I walked into the ocean very carefully as not to step on the jagged edges of the coral chunks.
I mistakenly stepped onto a stonefish, which I didn’t know at the time, and cried out in pain. I slowly limped away forgetting about my bath.
Luckily I made it back to my makeshift house before I started feeling the symptoms of the sting.  I had trouble breathing, my stomach and head were in pain, I felt nauseous, and I was sweating profusely.
I was feeling  sleepy until I heard a voice say, “What’s wrong with you?”
I wasn’t in the mood to fight with Jacob so all I could muster up to say in a very weak tone was, “Go away.”
“What happened? “
“ I stepped on one of those fish that looks like a rock.” I told him.
I felt something made of cotton pressed against my forehead and Jacob shaking me to keep me awake.
“Jakey.” I said resorting to the childhood name I used to call him.
“Don’t go to sleep. Please. Oh no, please wake up.” Jake pleaded with me.
“God. Take me to god.”
“But the law.” Jacob said.
I couldn’t remember the rest because my eyes finally closed.
Once again mucho gracias to Jess my beta and Mist my banner maker. Also once again I don't own Jacob or Leah, they belong to Stephenie Meyer and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole.

Chapter 15 Evicted

Chapter 15 Evicted
Leah’s POV at 18 years old
After I got over the shock of Jacob slapping my face and saying those hurtful words, I got up from where I was sitting and started back to the hut.
Jacob w as already there and was throwing my belongings outside through the upstairs door of the hut.
“What are you doing? What are you doing?!” I questioned him.
“It’s my hut. I built it.” Jacob replied.
“That’s not true. I helped you. “
“I did most of it. You can go find some other place to live.”
 I said I was sorry, Jacob, what more do you want me to say?” I pleaded.
I don’t want you to say anything! I don’t ever want to see you again.”
Jacob shut the makeshift door because like I said, he always had to have the last word whenever we fought.
“You just wait Jacob Black I’ll get you for this!” I yelled to him while I was gathering my items
I stormed off after that muttering under my breath what a piece of work Jacob was.
After much searching, I found a small rock ledge not far from the hut that I decided to use as my new house.  I made a wall from some of the palm trees to protect me from the wind and rain.
I also made a fire  to keep myself warm but thanks to the rain and wind, my wall didn’t hold up very well and my fire quickly turned into smoke.  I sat with my knees  up to my chin shivering from the cold.
I looked up at the hut and saw Jacob sitting  under the covered porch. He was giving me a smug smile and I glared at him as a response.
The next morning I was on the beach attempting to cook a fish that I caught but once again, I had no fire just smoke.
Suddenly a half eaten banana was thrown from the cliffs and landed beside me. When I glanced up, I saw the back of Jacob walking away so I knew it was him that had thrown the banana.
Later on that day I gathered a bunch of flowers to make a wreath. I walked over to the forbidden side of the island and left it at the base of the God statue as an offering  on my part.
Once again thanks to Jess my beta and Mist who created the banner. Also I don't own Jacob or Leah, they belong to Stephenie Meyer and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chapter 14 A Ship

Chapter 14 A Ship!
Leah’s POV at 18 years old
The next day I was doing laundry in the waterfall while Jacob decided to grab fruit for us to eat later that evening.
After I was scrubbing the clothes against a rock to clean them, I put them in my makeshift basket and headed back to the hut.
I was putting the clothes on the clothing line and out of the corner of my eye I saw a parrot making a squawking noise at me as if to say,” Look Look!” I decided to turn around and as I did, I saw a boat in the distance.  I was right next to the signal fire so I could have lit it to notify them that Jacob and I were here.
I decided not to light the fire so I ended up sitting on the stairs in front of the house and play with the parrot.
Jacob came running down the beach but slowed down when he saw me.
“Leah! A ship, Leah! A ship! A ship! The signal fire, you didn’t light it! Why didn’t you light it? Why Leah, why? You know how much I wanna leave; you know it’s the most important thing in the whole world to me!” Jacob exclaimed.
“I know.” I said softly.
“First you cry for help, and then you throw sticks at me. A ship comes, a ship! The first ship we’ve seen since we’ve been here and you let it go by, just let it go by! Well that’s IT! I’ve had it!” Jacob screamed at me.
“I’m sick and tired of waiting for you to get better; I’m going to New York without you!”
I moved from the stairs to the base of the nearest tree which I leaned against.
The makeshift raft Jacob was always messing with was finally put together and looked like it was ready to be tested out in the water.  Jacob grabbed clothes, food and attempted to set sail in the raft.
Unfortunately once when he was out in the water, the boat didn’t hold up very well. As Jacob was hoisting up the sail, it collapsed on top of him and I couldn’t help but giggle.
Jacob managed to make it back to shore and threw down the clothes he rescued.
I walked behind him and was laughing at him the entire time.
“You’re never gonna build a boat strong enough to get to New York, Jacob. That’s the fourth time you’ve tried and they’ve all sunk like a stone!”
“Shut up, just shut up!” Jacob yelled.
“Why don’t you give up? You don’t even know where New York is!” I retorted.
We walked behind our house to a deep groove.  Jacob grabbed a piece of cane nearby and started to cut it with a saw to make another raft.
“You’re such a silly dodo, Jacob. We’re never getting off this island.” I said.
“Thanks to you!” Jacob replied sarcastically.
“This is where we live; this is our home, now and forever.”
“No!” Jacob yelled while tossing the saw aside.
“I could never live here with just you. I don’t even like you. You never used to laugh at me. You never used to have secrets you wouldn’t tell me.”
“Well you’re not so perfect either Mr. Jacob Black. I’ve SEEN you playing with it, and I’ll tell Uncle Billy, if he ever gets here. “I said smugly.
“You! I hate you!” Jacob screamed. 
He picked up a coconut and tried to throw it at me. Luckily I managed to dodge it to avoid it hitting me.
“You almost hit me!” I yelled at him.
“Take it back, take back what you said!”
“I’ve seen it all. What happens after you’ve been doing it a long time?” I mocked him.
“Shut up! That isn’t fair peeking. I don’t peek on you!”
“That’s a lie! You’re always staring at my buppies.” I said referring to my breasts.
“Only because they look so funny! You know what you look like now, Lee? You look like one of those pictures Charlie had in his drawer, one of his hootchie-coochie girls!”
“I do not! I do not!” I retorted.
Jacob then picked up two coconuts and holds them in front of his chest, moving them up and down as though they were breasts.
“Hootchi-cootchie, hootchi-cootchie! Hootchie-cootchie, hootchie-cootchie, see ‘em jiggle, wiggle, and shake!” Jacob sang.
“Stop that Jacob or I’ll never speak to you again!” I yelled.
He ignored me and continued to tease me about my breasts.
I couldn’t take it so I went to a clump of coconuts and picked one up.  I threw it and it hit Jacob on the head. He fell down instantly.
I ran to him because I felt bad for hurting him and tried to help him up.
“Oh, Jacob, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you!” I kept apologizing.
He woke up, sat up and saw me beside him.  The expression on his face was very hard and he ended up slapping me in the face.
To add further insult before he went off he said to me, “I wish you were dead and buried alongside your parents.” “And my father was never your uncle.”

 Once again thanks to Jess my beta and Mist who created the banner. And I still don't own Leah or Jacob though I wish I did own my own Jacob. And I also don't own The Blue Lagoon which this story is based on.