Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chapter 15 Evicted

Chapter 15 Evicted
Leah’s POV at 18 years old
After I got over the shock of Jacob slapping my face and saying those hurtful words, I got up from where I was sitting and started back to the hut.
Jacob w as already there and was throwing my belongings outside through the upstairs door of the hut.
“What are you doing? What are you doing?!” I questioned him.
“It’s my hut. I built it.” Jacob replied.
“That’s not true. I helped you. “
“I did most of it. You can go find some other place to live.”
 I said I was sorry, Jacob, what more do you want me to say?” I pleaded.
I don’t want you to say anything! I don’t ever want to see you again.”
Jacob shut the makeshift door because like I said, he always had to have the last word whenever we fought.
“You just wait Jacob Black I’ll get you for this!” I yelled to him while I was gathering my items
I stormed off after that muttering under my breath what a piece of work Jacob was.
After much searching, I found a small rock ledge not far from the hut that I decided to use as my new house.  I made a wall from some of the palm trees to protect me from the wind and rain.
I also made a fire  to keep myself warm but thanks to the rain and wind, my wall didn’t hold up very well and my fire quickly turned into smoke.  I sat with my knees  up to my chin shivering from the cold.
I looked up at the hut and saw Jacob sitting  under the covered porch. He was giving me a smug smile and I glared at him as a response.
The next morning I was on the beach attempting to cook a fish that I caught but once again, I had no fire just smoke.
Suddenly a half eaten banana was thrown from the cliffs and landed beside me. When I glanced up, I saw the back of Jacob walking away so I knew it was him that had thrown the banana.
Later on that day I gathered a bunch of flowers to make a wreath. I walked over to the forbidden side of the island and left it at the base of the God statue as an offering  on my part.
Once again thanks to Jess my beta and Mist who created the banner. Also I don't own Jacob or Leah, they belong to Stephenie Meyer and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole

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