Monday, June 13, 2011

Chapter 14 A Ship

Chapter 14 A Ship!
Leah’s POV at 18 years old
The next day I was doing laundry in the waterfall while Jacob decided to grab fruit for us to eat later that evening.
After I was scrubbing the clothes against a rock to clean them, I put them in my makeshift basket and headed back to the hut.
I was putting the clothes on the clothing line and out of the corner of my eye I saw a parrot making a squawking noise at me as if to say,” Look Look!” I decided to turn around and as I did, I saw a boat in the distance.  I was right next to the signal fire so I could have lit it to notify them that Jacob and I were here.
I decided not to light the fire so I ended up sitting on the stairs in front of the house and play with the parrot.
Jacob came running down the beach but slowed down when he saw me.
“Leah! A ship, Leah! A ship! A ship! The signal fire, you didn’t light it! Why didn’t you light it? Why Leah, why? You know how much I wanna leave; you know it’s the most important thing in the whole world to me!” Jacob exclaimed.
“I know.” I said softly.
“First you cry for help, and then you throw sticks at me. A ship comes, a ship! The first ship we’ve seen since we’ve been here and you let it go by, just let it go by! Well that’s IT! I’ve had it!” Jacob screamed at me.
“I’m sick and tired of waiting for you to get better; I’m going to New York without you!”
I moved from the stairs to the base of the nearest tree which I leaned against.
The makeshift raft Jacob was always messing with was finally put together and looked like it was ready to be tested out in the water.  Jacob grabbed clothes, food and attempted to set sail in the raft.
Unfortunately once when he was out in the water, the boat didn’t hold up very well. As Jacob was hoisting up the sail, it collapsed on top of him and I couldn’t help but giggle.
Jacob managed to make it back to shore and threw down the clothes he rescued.
I walked behind him and was laughing at him the entire time.
“You’re never gonna build a boat strong enough to get to New York, Jacob. That’s the fourth time you’ve tried and they’ve all sunk like a stone!”
“Shut up, just shut up!” Jacob yelled.
“Why don’t you give up? You don’t even know where New York is!” I retorted.
We walked behind our house to a deep groove.  Jacob grabbed a piece of cane nearby and started to cut it with a saw to make another raft.
“You’re such a silly dodo, Jacob. We’re never getting off this island.” I said.
“Thanks to you!” Jacob replied sarcastically.
“This is where we live; this is our home, now and forever.”
“No!” Jacob yelled while tossing the saw aside.
“I could never live here with just you. I don’t even like you. You never used to laugh at me. You never used to have secrets you wouldn’t tell me.”
“Well you’re not so perfect either Mr. Jacob Black. I’ve SEEN you playing with it, and I’ll tell Uncle Billy, if he ever gets here. “I said smugly.
“You! I hate you!” Jacob screamed. 
He picked up a coconut and tried to throw it at me. Luckily I managed to dodge it to avoid it hitting me.
“You almost hit me!” I yelled at him.
“Take it back, take back what you said!”
“I’ve seen it all. What happens after you’ve been doing it a long time?” I mocked him.
“Shut up! That isn’t fair peeking. I don’t peek on you!”
“That’s a lie! You’re always staring at my buppies.” I said referring to my breasts.
“Only because they look so funny! You know what you look like now, Lee? You look like one of those pictures Charlie had in his drawer, one of his hootchie-coochie girls!”
“I do not! I do not!” I retorted.
Jacob then picked up two coconuts and holds them in front of his chest, moving them up and down as though they were breasts.
“Hootchi-cootchie, hootchi-cootchie! Hootchie-cootchie, hootchie-cootchie, see ‘em jiggle, wiggle, and shake!” Jacob sang.
“Stop that Jacob or I’ll never speak to you again!” I yelled.
He ignored me and continued to tease me about my breasts.
I couldn’t take it so I went to a clump of coconuts and picked one up.  I threw it and it hit Jacob on the head. He fell down instantly.
I ran to him because I felt bad for hurting him and tried to help him up.
“Oh, Jacob, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you!” I kept apologizing.
He woke up, sat up and saw me beside him.  The expression on his face was very hard and he ended up slapping me in the face.
To add further insult before he went off he said to me, “I wish you were dead and buried alongside your parents.” “And my father was never your uncle.”

 Once again thanks to Jess my beta and Mist who created the banner. And I still don't own Leah or Jacob though I wish I did own my own Jacob. And I also don't own The Blue Lagoon which this story is based on.

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