Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chapter 16 Poisoned

Chapter 16 Poisoned
Leah’s POV at 18 years old
After I visited God, I decided it was time to bathe myself. I walked into the ocean very carefully as not to step on the jagged edges of the coral chunks.
I mistakenly stepped onto a stonefish, which I didn’t know at the time, and cried out in pain. I slowly limped away forgetting about my bath.
Luckily I made it back to my makeshift house before I started feeling the symptoms of the sting.  I had trouble breathing, my stomach and head were in pain, I felt nauseous, and I was sweating profusely.
I was feeling  sleepy until I heard a voice say, “What’s wrong with you?”
I wasn’t in the mood to fight with Jacob so all I could muster up to say in a very weak tone was, “Go away.”
“What happened? “
“ I stepped on one of those fish that looks like a rock.” I told him.
I felt something made of cotton pressed against my forehead and Jacob shaking me to keep me awake.
“Jakey.” I said resorting to the childhood name I used to call him.
“Don’t go to sleep. Please. Oh no, please wake up.” Jake pleaded with me.
“God. Take me to god.”
“But the law.” Jacob said.
I couldn’t remember the rest because my eyes finally closed.
Once again mucho gracias to Jess my beta and Mist my banner maker. Also once again I don't own Jacob or Leah, they belong to Stephenie Meyer and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole.

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