Monday, May 30, 2011

Chapter 11 Funny Looks

Chapter 11 Funny Looks

Leah’s POV at 18 years old

The next day Jacob decided to fish and I thought I would try as well.

Jacob was out on the reef with his spear trying to catch fish. He was shaking his head side to side and shuffling his feet back and forth before tossing his spear in the water.  

I thought it was the silliest thing ever. I was sitting in a little tide pool and catching fish by merely catching them with my bare hands.

After a few minutes of his “fish dance” he finally got one by proclaiming,” Look! I’m the greatest fisherman who ever lived!”

“I’m the greatest fisherman who ever lived. While you scare them off, I catch as many as I want to.” I retaliated with a smug grin on my face.

Of course Jacob didn’t like the fact that I stole his moment of glory so he responded with, “That’s my fish dance! It doesn’t scare them off; it brings them up to the surface where I can spear them. Who cares what you say? It’s not how many you catch that counts, it’s how you do it.”

That was Jacob, always had to have the last word on everything. I didn’t feel like fighting with him so I just sighed in annoyance.

The next day it was raining hard so I was stuck in the house with Jacob. He was playing Pop Goes the Weasel with his homemade flute in the upstairs loft while I remained downstairs because the song was starting to get on my nerves. After playing the same verse over and over again for the twentieth time, I couldn’t take it and snapped.

“Stop that! Please play something else! Why must you do that when you know it makes me angry?”

He ignored me. I grabbed his spear that was tucked in the corner and poked him in the butt through the floor in the loft.

Jacob stopped playing and screamed, “Ow!” while leaning over from the loft to make eye contact with me.

I still had the spear in my hand so I decided to mock him from the day earlier by saying, “It doesn’t scare ‘em away, it brings ‘em to the top, where I can spear em!” then I threw the spear.

Jacob came down from the loft and decided to chase me.

“Oh, I’ll spear you!” he exclaimed.

I was one step ahead of Jacob while he was chasing me. At one point in the chase, I was up on the upper level of the house and right when he thought he could grab me, I managed to slide down the porch to get away from him.

It managed to stop raining right when I said, “Here I am!”

I was running onto the beach with Jacob not far behind me exclaimed, “Come back here or I’ll pull your britches down and take a switch to you!”

Jacob finally managed to catch up with me. When he did, he tackled me on the sand and had my back on the sand so he could sit on my stomach plus he had my wrists pinned down so I wouldn’t hit him with my hands.

I wasn’t sure what Jacob’s motivation was for me since I was stuck in this position so I figured a little threat wouldn’t hurt.

“Don’t you dare try to spank me Jacob, I mean it! I’ll put the never wake up berries in your food, I mean it!” I screeched out loud.

Repeat after me, “Jacob is the smartest person on this island." Jacob taunted me.

 “No!” I responded.

 “Say it!”

 “Stop it, Jacob, I’m getting angry! Now get off!” I angrily replied.

“Say it!”

I figured the only way he would let me go is if I agreed to whatever he said whether I liked it or not.

“Jacob is the smartest person on this island. “I said.

“And the fastest swimmer." Jacob said.

“The fastest swimmer. “I mimicked.

"The fastest runner."

 The fastest runner.

 "And the best hut builder."

 You’re the best everything, Jacob, now get off! I exclaimed.

He finally got off of me,  gave me a smirk, and to say “It’s true.”

Satisfied that I gave his ego a much needed boost, he got up and dusted his hands and worked on his stupid raft.

 I was furious so I yelled out to him, Just you wait, Jacob Black; you’ll never know when it’s going to happen! Just one little bite and you’ll never wake up again!”

Later that evening, I decided to go for a swim by myself. The phosphorescent plankton in the lagoon were acting up which meant a simple splash of the water causes the water to glow. I was having a great time by myself splashing the water watching it glow that I didn’t even notice Jacob diving in.

We decided to go swimming under the water to see if anything besides the water will glow. Unfortunately it was just the water so we just ended up twisting all about until it was time to come to the surface.

The next day I was feeding a parrot when I heard a drumbeat. I decided to search and locate where the noise was coming from.
Once again thanks to Jess the best beta and Mist a fantastic banner maker. Also I do not own Jacob and Leah, they belong to Stephenie Meyer and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole

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