Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chapter 20 Drum People

Chapter 20 Drum People

Jacob's POV at 18 years old

Leah has gotten really fat recently and her bumpies have gotten real big as well and as for us, when things got to good something always went wrong.

I was on the beach one day digging for shells. I heard a faint drum so I stopped what I was doing. I was hoping to hear it more clearly but I didn't hear anything so I just shook my headed and refocused.

I heard it again this time a little more clear and voices as well. It made me look up and around to see if anyone was around me. I became concerned about Leah so I ran back to the hut to see if she was still there. She wasn't so I grabbed a shirt and decided to put it on while I walked around to find her and also to find where the noises were coming from.
I called out to Leah.

"Leah! Leah, where are you?"

I started to panic because I couldn't find her.

I went through a forest, trying to find either Leah or the voices that I heard. The voices stopped or so I thought at the time. I crossed a stream andthe voices start again, and keep going through the forest. By the time I finally reached the voices, it was nighttime. The moon was full and high, and the stars shone brightly. I finally realized I was at the stone head that Leah called God.

I hid behind some bushes so no one could see me until I figured out what was happening.

There is a fire, and a group of people dancing around the fire chanting in a strange language. There is a loud cry and another man is pulled out of a cave. He was painted white. He acts like he is trying to fight with them He is brought around the fire to the stone head and laid at the altar. A wooden brace is put on the painted man's neck and a different man with a club stands over the painted man. The chanting stops when the man with the club, who has elaborate decorative paint on his face, pauses, then clubs the man who is painted white once on the head.
That was enough for me and I ran out with all of my strength. I noticed while running that a mist was overtaking the island.

Once again thanks to my beta Jess, Mist who created my wonderful banner and those who have read and reviewed. Also I don't own Twilight, it belongs to Stephenie and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole

Chapter 19 Pregnant

Chapter 19 Pregnant
Leah's POV at 18 years old.
After several weeks of Jacob and I showing our love for one another, unexpected changes started to occur and it all happened to me.

One day, I was crawling on the undergrowth of the island and popping berries into my mouth when all of a sudden I felt something block my path. I looked up and saw Jacob. I gave him a big and cheerful smile to show how happy I was to see him and also for him to let me carry on my business of finding more berries to eat.

Later that night, I was standing in the lower level of our hut eating coconut when Jacob came up from behind me and started to kiss my neck. He realized I kept on eating and not kissing him back. He grabbed the bowl and said to me,

"Will you stop eating, you're getting fat! Come on up, keep me warm."

Yes, it was true I was always eating and I noticed my once flat stomach was getting rounder but I couldn't stop eating.

I merely nodded my head since I had my mouth full with coconut As soon as Jacob ascended up the ladder, I reached for the bowl of coconut and proceeded to eat again but much faster this time so he wouldn't know what was taking me so long.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than Jacob because my stomach felt funny. I thought it was due to all my eating lately but I was wrong. I felt sick so I rushed over on the side of the hut and threw up the contents of my stomach into the ocean.

That night, I was up on the high level of the hut combing my hair threw my fingers when I heard Jacob climbing the ladder and sitting beside me. He put his arm around me and started to kiss me. I shrugged him away and he pulled his arm away from me. He then found a twig and started to examine it.

I felt sorry for hurting him so I apologized.

"I'm sorry Jacob."

"You didn't want to all day yesterday, either. What's a-matter, Lee, don't you love me anymore?"

The thing was I did love him. In fact, I loved him with all of my heart and soul. I knew I had to reassure him.

"Yes, I love you more than ever, Jacob."

"Then why don't you want to do it?"

I wished I could have explained it to him but I couldn't because I didn't know what was happening to me but I did tell him the truth.

"It just hurts right now, that's all. When it stops hurting we'll do it."

"When is that gonna be? I don't understand, Leah. Why does it hurt?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything."

I was getting so frustrated because I couldn't put into words what was happening to me especially since I didn't know myself.

I scooted back and leaned against the wall of the hut to support my back. I did want to share something with Jacob.

"But if you touch my tummy right now, you can feel it."

"Feel what?"

Jacob scooted over and sat next to me. I then placed his hand with mine and we put it on my tummy.
Within seconds, my tummy started to move. Jacob had a shocked expression on his face.

"How'd you make your tummy move like that?"

"I'm not doing it."

"It's not doing it by itself."

"Yes it is."

Another movement in my tummy made Jacob question,

"There, I felt it again. What's making it do that, Leah?"

"I don't know."

Within months, my body changed dramatically. My bumpies and belly were getting bigger by the day and I still kept eating more and more.

Author's Note: I wanted to apologize to all those who have read and reviewed this story. I realize I haven't updated since July (yikes!) but a lot has happened since then. My brother, his girlfriend and my nephew have all moved back from Michigan back here in Illinois so life has been pretty chaotic especially when you have a 16 month old in the house to keep you on your toes LOL. I want to thank my beta Jessi for her ever patience in me, Mist who created my beautiful banner and also to those who have read and review those. I do appreciate it guys and gals :)
Once again I do not own Twilight cause that belongs to Stephenie Meyer and The Blue Lagoon belongs to Henry De Vere Stacpoole