Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chapter 7 The Law

Chapter 7: The Law

Leah’s POV at 8 years old.

One day Charlie was out getting some fresh fruit for all of us to eat.   When he came back to give us some bananas, he was quiet and remained so for the rest of the day.  I was thinking of asking what was wrong but then it wasn’t my place to pry in his business.

Later on that night, Jacob and I were playing with more items in the trunk.  Jacob was looking at the slide projector while wearing his pants, undershirt, a man’s red long silk shirt plus a bowtie around his neck.  I, on the other hand, was wearing my panties, slip, dress, a shawl and some gauzy fabric that I used as a veil. We had decided to dress up as a wedding couple.

Jacob and I were dancing around the campfire while Charlie was staring intently at the flames. Jacob said to me, “Alone at last my love.” My response was nothing but endless giggles.

“Jacob and Leah, I need you both to promise me something.”  Charlie finally spoke to us. 

 “You two need to swear that you will never ever go on the left side of the island.” Charlie told us.

We were too busy giggling and being silly to take him seriously.

“Why?” Jacob asked while still looking at the projector screen.

“Give me that.” Charlie roared while snatching the projector from Jacob’s hands.

“Because I said so, that’s why.” Charlie roared.

“There’s nasty things over there.” Charlie said with a stern look on his face.

“What kind of things?” Jacob questioned.

“Vile, evil, corrupt, and ungodlike things.” Charlie elaborated.

“Like what?” I asked Charlie.

“Yeah like what?” Jacob mimicked me.  I gave him a glare to show that it was annoying when he did that.

“For starters, the boogeyman lives there.” Charlie told us.

“The boogeyman!?” I shrieked out in a questioned tone.

I was starting to get scared. For some reason Jacob could sense my feelings and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it to reassure me that he was there to be my protector as always.

“Yes the boogeyman.” Charlie responded in a low voice with a sinister smile on his face.

“And do you know what the boogeyman does to little people like yourselves?” Charlie asked us.

“He eats little people like they are candy.” He replied.  “He chews them up bones and all.” Charlie elaborated.

I gulped and squeezed Jacob’s hand with all my might. I was surprised he didn’t yelp in response because I knew I was hurting him.

“Do you know what law is?” Charlie questioned us.

Jacob and I both nodded our heads to Charlie.

“Well, that’s the law: no going over to the left side of the island and that’s final.” Charlie stated.

We then got up from the campfire and walked over to our house while Charlie put out the fire.

The following day it was raining so Jacob and I had to play inside our house while Charlie was outside making sure the house was intact and that none of the rain would get in.

We were playing dress up again. Only this time, I was dressed as the man with a silk top hat I found in the trunk while Jacob was the woman with the gauzy veil on top of his head.

“You look funny.” Jacob said to me while laughing.

“So do you.” I said in agreement.

“Jacob! Leah! Are you still in here?” Charlie asked us while outside.

“Yes Charlie.” I responded.

Charlie came in and acted like he was stunned to see us.

“Ha Ha look at me.” Jacob said in a singsong voice.

“Ha Ha look at me.” Charlie mimicked him while putting on a feather boa from the trunk

I just giggled as his silliness and Jacob did the same.  Charlie couldn’t help but laugh as well.

Later that night while Jacob and I were eating by the campfire, Charlie stumbled out of our house wearing his long nightshirt and a bonnet.  Charlie decided he would amuse us by dancing around the campfire.

I couldn’t help but laugh as did Jacob.

“I love you Leah.” Charlie said in a slurred voice while giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

“And you are a good boy Jacob.”

“You’re silly when you drink out of that barrel we found.” I told Charlie.

“I am?” Charlie questioned.

Jacob and I nodded our heads in agreement.

“Come on you two, let’s dance.” Charlie said while grabbing our hands.

We danced around in a circle around the fire and kicked our legs out.

“Watch this.” Charlie said.

He then made the lady tattoos on his chest dance by pushing his shoulders back.

Jacob and I couldn’t help but be amused by that. Charlie was smiling as well until he passed out in front of the campfire.

Jacob and I looked at each other and decided that it was time for us to get to bed.

While Jacob and I were sleeping, I heard Charlie singing and splashing in the water. I figured he was bathing himself and also catching fish for today’s breakfast.

I was so wrong at that assumption.

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