Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chapter 6 Island Survival

Chapter 6 Island Survival
Leah’s POV at 8 years old
Later on that day Jacob and I were running along the beach laughing while Charlie was trying to keep up with us. Hearing his wheezy and haggard breath several miles behind us, we knew he could never catch up with us no matter how hard he tried.
He was trying to convince us that we needed a bath but we were trying to convince him otherwise.
“We don’t want to go swimming; we don’t have the proper clothes for it.”
“To hell with the suits, you don’t need them when you are in the tub do you?” Charlie said in between breaths.
“But this is the ocean not a tub, Mr. Swan.” I said maturely.
Jacob and I decided to check out more of the island we now called home.
During that time, Jacob was playing with the leaves on the grass while I was checking out an interesting insect that was  green and had two long legs. It looked like a big grasshopper.
Charlie was there guiding us on how to survive.  First thing he taught Jacob and I to do was fish with these long thick tree branches. He showed us how to cut the ends of them into a sharp point and then harpoon them into the water at the fish.
After killing the fish he showed us how to get all the guts out of it so we could properly cook it. I wasn’t happy with that demonstration.
One night, after Charlie went to sleep, Jacob told me that the hill we climbed the previous day was going to be the lookout point. Charlie and Jacob gathered the branches that we used for fishing and decided they would also work for creating a signal fire. The fire would let other boats know there were people stranded on the island and to come rescue us.
Charlie also taught Jacob how to make good knots. Charlie told Jacob, “If you pull tight at the end, it will be strong and durable otherwise you’d have nothing but loose string which won’t help you.
The following day we had a big gust of wind come across the island, Charlie decided it was time to build a proper house made out of palm trees, bamboo sticks, and the palm tree leaves.  I wasn’t much help so I decided to focus my attention elsewhere while Charlie and Jacob created our house.
Day after day, Charlie and Jacob focused on the house. Before I knew it, the house was complete. They were shaking hands, congratulating themselves, and smiling proudly. I have to admit I was happy too that they accomplished something without Jacob questioning something or Charlie losing his temper.
“Leah did you see this?” Charlie asked. He was holding a homemade sailboat.
“No sir.” I responded.
“That’s because I made it the way you showed me Charlie.” Jacob said with a triumphant grin on his face.
“Well you did a fine job my boy.” Charlie said while patting him on the back.
I hated to interrupt this male bonding moment but I wanted to go swimming.
“Jacob, let’s go swimming.” I said.
“Okay.” Jacob agreed forgetting about the moment he shared with Charlie.
I decided to take off my dress, slip and panties while Jacob took off his pants, shirt, undershorts and undershirt.  We threw the clothes by Charlie and went swimming in the ocean.
Swimming in the ocean was something I could never put into words but looking at all the bright colored fish that nature had to offer was a sight to see.  I was glad Jacob was beside me to share it with especially when he brought up a starfish for Charlie to see.
Of course when we came back up to the surface, Charlie wasn’t happy that we were naked and started to chase us with our clothes.
“Put your clothes back on. It’s not proper to be naked all the time.” Charlie tried telling us.
It pretty much fell on deaf ears because Jacob responded with,“I don’t want to wear my stinky old clothes.”
“Yeah same here.” I agreed with Jacob.
I don’t know if it was all the swimming I did or being naked but I never slept better than that night.
Once again thanks to Jess for being my beta and Mist for the lovely banner. 

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