Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chapter 4 Land Ho!

Aren't you guys lucky? You get two chapters within two days. What can I say? When you're on a roll, you might as roll with it right? LOL Enjoy! Thanks to all those who reviewed, Mist for her awesome banner making and my patient yet loving beta Jess. Now on with the the story!

Chapter 4 Land Ho!
Leah’s POV at 8 years old.
“Why do I smell flowers?” I mumbled in my sleep.
“Flowers?” Charlie questioned in his half sleep position.
“Leah, quit being such a girl.” Jacob said annoyingly while turning onto his back.
I couldn’t escape the smell so I sat up and rubbed my eyes.  When my eyes finally focused, I was excited to see land up ahead.
“Jacob, Mr. Swan, Look!” I shouted enthusiastically
“Let me sleep.” Jacob said.
 “What are you looking at girlie?” Mr. Swan inquired as he stretched his arms and legs.
“That.” I pointed.
He followed my little finger and shouted “Land Ho! Good job girlie!”
I smiled proudly and couldn’t wait to rub it in Jacob’s face that I was right.
He proceeded to grab the oars and row towards the land as hard as he could.
Charlie’s row and grunting woke Jacob up and when Jacob got the sleep out of his eyes and saw the land coming into focus, he couldn’t believe it and was open mouthed in shock.
“By golly you were right Leah.” Jacob said to me.
“I told you so.” I responded smugly.
Jacob and I put our hands in the water while Charlie was still rowing closer and closer to the island.
Before we knew it we hit the wet sand part of the island. I couldn’t help but jump out of the boat and run around to get my legs moving.
“Hold up girlie.” Charlie said while bringing the boat onto the sand. Jacob was helping Charlie get the boat securely onto the beach while I ran around in excitement over our new find.
“Come on Jacob.” I said jumping around in excitement.
Jacob was helping Charlie untie the trunk from the boat so we could bring it ashore. As soon as they had the trunk on grass, I had to ask Charlie a question concerning Jacob.
“Can we go look around Mr. Swan?” I asked him.
“Sure you can do that while I catch my breath.” Charlie said in between haggard breaths.
“Let’s go Jakey.” I said to Jacob.
It was just like my dream but better because I was fully awake and I couldn’t wait to explore this place we thought we would never see.

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