Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chapter 2 Fire!

Chapter 2 Fire!
Leah's POV at 8 years old still.
"Fire!" someone shouted above us.
The sailor ended up grabbing Jacob's hand who in turn held my hand as we tried to get away but it was difficult because the smoke from the fire was engulfing us and hindering our sight. The captain of the boat came up to the sailor who was with Jacob and I and shouted. "Take the children to the other end of the boat and get them on one of the life boats."
"Yes Captain." the sailor replied.
We managed to get to the other side of the boat unscathed but as the sailor was putting me in the boat, one of the other sailors pushed Jacob to the floor. I couldn't see Jacob due to the fog and I feared for his safety.
"Jacob!" I screamed fearing that the sailor wouldn't be able to locate him and see if he had gotten hurt.
"It's alright girl, I got him." said the sailor who managed to locate and heave Jacob and himself into the boat.
The sailor proceeded to untie the ropes from the big boat, allowing our boat to lower into the water by pulley.  Jacob decided to help him by pulling with all his strength and even though the sailor didn't thank him, I think he greatly appreciated it.
While Jacob and the sailor were lowering the boat into the water, I was alternating between coughing from the smoke and yelling for Uncle Billy.
"Uncle Billy, cough cough, Uncle Billy!" I shouted while straining to see if I could see through the thick smoke for my Uncle.
"Leah!" "Jacob!" I heard his voice call out.
I turned left and right trying to locate the origin of his voice until a large boom scared me stiff.  
What was that?!?" Jacob exclaimed while I had the most terrified expression on my face.
"The ship, duck your heads now." said the sailor who lowered our heads and placed his head on top of ours so we couldn't get hurt from the flying debris of the boat.
"Hello!" "Hello!" shouted the sailor to see if he could hear the other sailors, the captain or Uncle Billy.
Unfortunately there was no response and I realized that it was just the three of us out here in the open sea. With that realization, I broke down and started to cry. Jacob stopped helping the sailor row away from the debris and sat beside me. He comforted me by pulling me into his side and whispering, "It will be alright Lee Lee."
I could sense he was just as scared as I was over what had happened but the best thing about Jacob was, even in the face of fear her could be strong. I clung to his bravery and hoped for the best.
Once again thanks to Mist for the lovely banner and Pooks 79 for being a patient and understand beta.

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